Cape Bodrum Luxury Hotel & Beach
Bodrum, Turkey
Bodrum, Turkey
Cape Bodrum Luxury Hotel & Beach
General Inquiries
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Bodrum, Turkey
Cape Bodrum Luxury Hotel & Beach
A fine example of architecture, reflecting the vivid colour of the turquoise Aegean Sea, with spacious terraces, Cape Bodrum Luxury Hotel & Beach offers 110 rooms and suites for your relaxation.
At Cape Bodrum Luxury Hotel & Beach the Aegean art of travel and hosting, distilled over centuries, come alive in a blissful culmination. Surprising are 53 rooms and suites, 29 of which are swim up. The food and drink stations are rich with local produce.
A superior sense of wellness is provided with the BluWell Spa. The sports areas and facilities are where a tranquil equilibrium of body and soul is achieved. Escape Beach & Lounge and Artisan Café are the places to socialize with guests and there is an infinite pool that truly resembles an aquarium. In addition, their private beach with pristine waters all complement the guests perfect vacation.
Features & Facilities
- Spa
- Restaurant
- Lounge
- Meetings & Events
- Suites
- Lobby Lounge